Matrix inverse with MInvers, help please.

Apr 29, 2010
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I'm trying to inverse a matrix into an Excel macro with the function MInverse.
I wrote a code but it doesn't work.

The problem is that i want to solve a system of linear equation but the number of equation must be an input of the problem. So the dimension of the matrix had to be a variable.

I wrote this code but at the end it gives me an error "1004" in the last line.
Any help is welcome
Thanks a lot

Dim Z As Integer
             Z = (Range("D2") / 2) + 2
         Dim A() As Double
              ReDim A(1 To Z, 1 To Z)
         Dim InvA As Double
              ReDim InvA(Z, Z)
         Dim B() As Double
              ReDim B(Z)
         Dim riga As Integer
         Dim colonna As Integer
         For riga = 1 To Z
             For colonna = 1 To Z
                 A(riga, colonna) = Sheets("Coeff. NR").Cells(riga + 5, colonna + 2).Value
             Next colonna
         Next riga
         InvA = Application.WorksheetFunction.MInverse(A)
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