Matching text in a cell to a list of values created by a formula



Hi Gents,

Hoping this makes sense...

I have a list of team names, where the results of the list were create
by a formula: =IF(F2>=D2, E2, C2). The score of the game determine
which team is returned.

Another worksheet contains a list of participants, with the team the
picked that week. I want to match the team they picked to the list o
winners on the previous sheet. If it is found, return "Winner". I
not found, return "Loser". This is the second formula I used
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(C2,Schedule!$G$2:$G$17,0)),"Winner", "Loser"). M
problem is it marks every participant the same way!

I've attached the sheet, hoping all will be clear.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Attachment filename: nfl pool.xls
Download attachment:


I wouldn't open your sheet, but, there is *nothing* wrong with your formula.

Since mine worked with my data *keyed* in, I would suspect that your problem
is your data.

Check that formats are the same, and make sure that the spelling is also
exactly the same, and that there are no extra spaces.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Hi Gents,

Hoping this makes sense...

I have a list of team names, where the results of the list were created
by a formula: =IF(F2>=D2, E2, C2). The score of the game determines
which team is returned.

Another worksheet contains a list of participants, with the team they
picked that week. I want to match the team they picked to the list of
winners on the previous sheet. If it is found, return "Winner". If
not found, return "Loser". This is the second formula I used:
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(C2,Schedule!$G$2:$G$17,0)),"Winner", "Loser"). My
problem is it marks every participant the same way!

I've attached the sheet, hoping all will be clear.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Attachment filename: nfl pool.xls
Download attachment:

Debra Dalgleish


The team names in columns C and E of the Schedule have spaces at the
beginning and end. If you remove those, the Match should work correctly.


Gentlewomen and gentlemen were both acceptable salutations in days gone bye.

Aren't you a gentlewoman Debra?<g>


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!


The team names in columns C and E of the Schedule have spaces at the
beginning and end. If you remove those, the Match should work correctly.


You are great! This was driving me nuts, as I thought the formulas
tried should have worked.

How did you check this, and so fast! Instinct? Needless to say,
will remember this for the future.

I ran a macro to remove the leading and trailing spaces and all is goo

Thank you so much for your help.


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