OK I just bought a Canon i965
Nice prints etc.
Now I'm looking for inks & papers etc.
Firstly I appreciate that Canon want my money.
I also follow that Canon Paper + Canon Ink could/should be a "matched pair."
So my question is , what do people like Kodak recommend?
They sell paper, not Canon paper or Epson Paper....just "Paper".
is their paper more "universal" than Canons?
(BTW I'm not even sure if Canon have a paper factory! )
And of course the next question is....
if Kodak paper gives good / great results
what about the ink?
Do the "refill" bottles work OK?
I've read the marketing that says "universal" inks are no good, only get
ink to match the printer model. Is this a truth, or just a "marketing fact"?
Is it important to 'match' paper & ink (thinking refills here)
if so any web links to tests etc appreciated.
or of course personal experience.
eg calidad inks? any good? & on what photo paper??
I'm mostly interested in Photo prints, although plain paper info would alos
be useful.
BTW The HP I have, has always been fed new (expensive) genuine carts....
The 2x's I tried refilling didn't work, just left banding etc. I think I now
know why
and hence thought I might try refilling the Canon's.
Thx in advance
Nice prints etc.
Now I'm looking for inks & papers etc.
Firstly I appreciate that Canon want my money.
I also follow that Canon Paper + Canon Ink could/should be a "matched pair."
So my question is , what do people like Kodak recommend?
They sell paper, not Canon paper or Epson Paper....just "Paper".
is their paper more "universal" than Canons?
(BTW I'm not even sure if Canon have a paper factory! )
And of course the next question is....
if Kodak paper gives good / great results
what about the ink?
Do the "refill" bottles work OK?
I've read the marketing that says "universal" inks are no good, only get
ink to match the printer model. Is this a truth, or just a "marketing fact"?
Is it important to 'match' paper & ink (thinking refills here)
if so any web links to tests etc appreciated.
or of course personal experience.
eg calidad inks? any good? & on what photo paper??
I'm mostly interested in Photo prints, although plain paper info would alos
be useful.
BTW The HP I have, has always been fed new (expensive) genuine carts....
The 2x's I tried refilling didn't work, just left banding etc. I think I now
know why
and hence thought I might try refilling the Canon's.
Thx in advance