You are going to need to create macro in vba to perform
this task.
I am not sure how your data is set up. For example do you
have columns A
on worksheet(1) with different data that
is on A
in worksheet(2).
I assume the common identifier would be ColumnA.
Regarless create a loop
'here is the code, or at least the concept. You can cut
and paste this, but you must change the ranges and the
sheet index or instead of using sheet indexes you can use
this type of statement:
Sub FillSheet3()
Dim UniqueID as variant
for i=1 to lastrow of data in worksheet(1)
UniqueID = Application.sheet(1).range("A"& i).value
for j = 1 to lastrowof data in worksheet(2)
if UniqueID = Application.sheet(1).range("A"&
'then you have found what you are looking for, and
stick all the data in row j and i into sheet(3)
'I assume you want to stick the unique ID of both
sheets in column A, if not change to what you need it to
Application.sheet(3).range("A" & i ).value = UniqueID
'fill in the appropriate cells using this type of process
'You will want to put the data from sheet 1 and 2 into
sheet 3. you must decided what column of data goes to what
Application.sheet(3).range("B" & i).value =
Application.Sheet().range("" & i).value
end if
next j
next i
end sub
Once you have finished the macro, go to Tools->Macro->Run,
and select the macro you have just created to run it.
It was hard for me to completely determine your situation,
so I hope this helps. Let me know if you need any other