I have a date field in a report (data type is medium date i.e. 20-
Feb-08) and a date control on a form (also in medium date format). I
am trying to filter the report by date according to the date the user
enters on the form. My problem is that when a user enters a date in
the form control, the report is not filterd by that date, even though
the dates and format are the same among the two documents. I have
noticed in my VBA code that the date captured from the form control is
given as "02/20/08" instead of "20-Feb-08". I am not sure if this is
the problem but regardless, how can I get around my dilemma.
Feb-08) and a date control on a form (also in medium date format). I
am trying to filter the report by date according to the date the user
enters on the form. My problem is that when a user enters a date in
the form control, the report is not filterd by that date, even though
the dates and format are the same among the two documents. I have
noticed in my VBA code that the date captured from the form control is
given as "02/20/08" instead of "20-Feb-08". I am not sure if this is
the problem but regardless, how can I get around my dilemma.