I've done this many times with average pages, but in a case I have
now, I have a master page with some controls on it. Under certain
conditions when the user selects certain options, I want to execute a
javascript function on the masterpage. Since I make this
determination in the codebehind, I was hoping that I could call
ClientScript to set up the call to the function. However,
CLientScript doesn't appear to work in masterpages. Is there a way in
the codebehind of a masterpage, to programmatically initiate certain
javascript in the masterpage clientside (ala ClientScript)?
now, I have a master page with some controls on it. Under certain
conditions when the user selects certain options, I want to execute a
javascript function on the masterpage. Since I make this
determination in the codebehind, I was hoping that I could call
ClientScript to set up the call to the function. However,
CLientScript doesn't appear to work in masterpages. Is there a way in
the codebehind of a masterpage, to programmatically initiate certain
javascript in the masterpage clientside (ala ClientScript)?