Master Page background image only visible from pages in root directory


I hope I can explain this well enough to understand. I have a master page
that is used by almost all of the pages in my site. On the master page is a
table. In one of the cells in this table, I have set the background to
display an image that is located in a directory called "images" which is
just off the root directory. Here's the problem:

Any page that is not located in the root directory (where the master page is
located) cannot see the background image. Pages that ARE located in the
root directory can. I have tried using "~/images/filename.jpg" for the
background source but this didn't work. In fact, the only that has worked
so far is to put the full URL ("")
for the background source. I'm still relatively new to ASP.NET 2.0 and I
don't know what (if any) problems using the full URL might cause.

Can anyone suggest a solution (or is using the full URL for this the correct
way to go).


Bruno Alexandre

thing of MasterPages like the includes in classic asp...

if you have your in your root folder all the children must be in
the root...

so, the best practce is like this:

|--- images
|--- includes
|--- |--- css
|--- |--- js
|--- aspx

aspx folder could be several, like
|--- admin
|--- user
|--- master <--- add all the master pages in your website here 4 example
|--- profile

it's a clean way to build your website, I always start by the folders, and
then I start workin' in Master.Page and then the content pages.

inside aspx folder (or others) you put all your content pages and the
master page, and for all images all you need to do is:

"../images/...jpg" <-- so get back one folder (you'll be in root) and go to
images folder

if you follow my example, you wwill not having any problem with image links
and you'll have a nice and clean enviroment for your website.

by the way... the best way to have background images is in CSS!

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