Master Category List

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Cross
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David Cross


I have a small office with about 10 users on Win03/Ex03,
and they share a public folder that contains a contact
folder with 15,000 contacts. I recently imported those
contacts from a program called ACT! which is contact
management software. ACT! uses something called "groups"
which is similar to Outlook's "Categories". For example
they might have an ACT! group called "Virginia News Media"
were they put all their contacts who fit that description.
During the import all the groups converted nicely into
outlook categories and i can view the outlook contacts by
their custom categories with no problem by chosing from
the Outlook menu View>By Category.

In outlook I see how to create more custom categories
through the Master Category List, however from what I have
seeen these categories are only kept on the local machine
(I have found the registery entry that holds them). My
question is how can I make it so a custom category that I
add to the Master Category List shows up on everyone elses
Outlook automatically? Because these contacts are in a
public folder ment to be viewed by everyone I want the
Master Category List to be the same for everyone all the

Thanks much.
