One thing to note right away - it is going to be some good work until you
are finished with such update.
Personally I believe is that re-deploying the entire image (actually,
replacing the entire image in the filed) is much easier task with almost any
hardware/software configuration in the field (we have done such here a few
There is a big question you should ask yourself before you go further with
any suggestion: are all the dependencies of the components listed in your
current image?
If so, it may be not really hard task.
If not, you will have to add all the dependency components to the list.
Another queston is how you deploy all the new files and reg.entries to you
image? Hope you've got DUA or something like that. Or, at least, a manual
way to add files and run apps/scripts.
There is a couple of ways to accomplish what you want to. I will assume all
the dependencies of the component listed below are in you image (if not, do
the dependency check as the fisrt step and extend the list).
1) You explore each component and write down/export all the reg.entries to
one .reg file. Then you copy all the files of those components from XPe
Repository to your update folder.
Then you have to go though all the componentns from the list and analyze
thier Resource sections. Basically, you have to script all the command
there: if FBA Generic command - launch the specified app, if COM/DLL
registration - use regsvr32 call, etc.
2) (easier way) Create an empty project and turn off TD Autoresolve
Dependencies feature. Add all the required components (you can actually
resolve all thier dependencies but don't resolve Tasks) and build an image
ignoring all the build errors. Now under the image build folder you've got
all the files (binaries) you will need to copy over to your current image on
the devices.
If you open the new built image registry hives offline, you can export thier
content to a .reg file (you will need to manually edit the file to remove
the name of the key you are loading a hive under).
The if you open [HKLM\ControlSet001\Control\WindowsEmbedded\FBA] key you
will be able to see all the FBA commands that need to be run at run time.
Take a look under Parameters subkeys to analyze what a command does.
Most of the files and reg.entries you may expect from Wizard and Firewall
components. INF components will just bring .inf files to \windows\inf and
PnP will install them on your current image on reboot.
Either way you choose (except the replacing the entire image) will not
guarantee you the final image will work. You will have to do a lot of
testing anyway.