Mass unchecking

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


Good morning,
I have a query that has a lot of check boxes. At the
end of each year I have to uncheck all those boxes. Right
now I hit the space bar to uncheck and the down arrow to
move to the next record. I have to do that about 500
times. Sounds like I'm drumming on my keyboard. Is there
a way to mass uncheck these boxes? Please let me know the
easiest way if there is a way. Thank you.


You can run an update statement to set them all to false.
UPDATE TableName
SET CheckFieldName1 = False,
CheckFieldName2 = False,
CheckFieldNamen = False

This will set all records to false.
You can use an Update Query with an SQL String like:

UPDATE [YourTable]
SET YourCheckBoxField = False

Running this Query will set the value of YourCheckBoxField of all Records in
[YourTable] to False, i.e. unchecked.
And you type this statement in Where?? And how do I get to that point?

Still & Always Learning
Chris Wagner
You create an 'Action' query.

Select the Query tab, then select 'Create a query in design view'
Add the table which contains the check column.
On the menu, next to the red exclamation is the 'Select query type button'
Set this to 'Update Query'
Select the check column in the 'Field' field.
For 'Update To:' enter False (no quotes)
Then press the Red exclamation button to execute the query.
You will get a warning about updating the data. Accept it

N.B. This is not reversible, & will set EVERY record in your table to False
for that column.