Any particular reason you want to avoid using Reg mode?
If you want to stick with non Reg mode, as I pointed out earlier you will have to make sure EWF config partition (small hidden
partition on disk) is properly cloned. In other words, with a cloning software (e.g., ghost) you will have to clone the entire
[raw] content and use sector copy switches that keep partition table structure and includes extended partition tables (e.g., -ir
case of ghost).
Or, if you prefer, you can clone the image and perform some steps on the cloned imags (manually or automatically) to initialize
configure) the EWF and set its state. This approach will require extra reboot(s).
But if I would like to work with EWF RAM (no reg.). How do I make sure the
deployment goes well? Should I disable EWF before running fbreseal?
Thanks for any response,
Without the Reg mode you will have to make sure EWF Config partition (hidden volume that keeps all the EWF settings) is
deployed. Otherwise, EWF will report on the cloned image that it is failing to find the config volume.
With the Reg mode used there is no hassle to deploy the image with EWF ON.
Please read the product documentation on what EWF modes are. SP2 docs are describing this topic pretty well.
I am using the RAM mode (no reg.). What problems will I run in to? What steps
should I take to make sure that afther FBRESEAL my EWF still works?
Thanks for any response,
If you use EWF RAM *Reg* mode (see SP2 product docs) you won't have problems cloning and deploying the image.
Sorry, I'm using RAM EWF, not DISK EWF!
I have installed an windows embedded build on one of my target machines and
installed all my application on it. Now I want to mass-deploy my image on
CD/DVD, Can anyone tell me how to do this? Which steps should I take? I added
the system-cloning component in the build and I'm running DISK EWF, EWF must
work on every machine I deploy to.
Thanks for any response,