I have cross-posted this question to 3 newsgroups since I am not sure
exactly where it belongs (and some NG's have very less activity).
Apologies in advance for this. I have set the followup to the
dotnet.framework.interop NG but feel free to chage it as appopriate.
I have a question regarding converting a Managed System.String^ to
unmanaged const char*.
I inherited a code that does it like this:
String^ s = "00000";
LPCSTR str = static_cast<LPCTSTR>(const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const
char someStr[20];
strncpy_s(someStr, 19, str, 19);
someStr[19] = 0;
Leaving aside the fact that there are better ways to accomplish what I
want (like calling .ToPointer() for example) can someone tell me if
that piece of code as it stands has a potential to create problems? I
am getting some System.AccessViolationException around these parts --
although I can't be sure this is what is causing the problem I want to
eliminate it as a potential issue. Here are my issues with that block
of code:
1) It seems to do an unnecessary amount of back-and-forth castings for
what should essentially be cast to a void* and then to a const char*.
First it casts the code to a const void*, then it casts away the const
and then does a cast of const char*. I feel uneasy with so many casts
2) Same with the FreeHGlobal -- too many casts
3) the code that does strncpy seems to be copying more than it
should. I think Marshal::StringTOHGlobalAnsi returns a null-
terminated string. Copying 19 bytes further than seems to be
trampling on memory that doesn't belong to the code.
Any insights?
exactly where it belongs (and some NG's have very less activity).
Apologies in advance for this. I have set the followup to the
dotnet.framework.interop NG but feel free to chage it as appopriate.
I have a question regarding converting a Managed System.String^ to
unmanaged const char*.
I inherited a code that does it like this:
String^ s = "00000";
LPCSTR str = static_cast<LPCTSTR>(const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const
char someStr[20];
strncpy_s(someStr, 19, str, 19);
someStr[19] = 0;
Leaving aside the fact that there are better ways to accomplish what I
want (like calling .ToPointer() for example) can someone tell me if
that piece of code as it stands has a potential to create problems? I
am getting some System.AccessViolationException around these parts --
although I can't be sure this is what is causing the problem I want to
eliminate it as a potential issue. Here are my issues with that block
of code:
1) It seems to do an unnecessary amount of back-and-forth castings for
what should essentially be cast to a void* and then to a const char*.
First it casts the code to a const void*, then it casts away the const
and then does a cast of const char*. I feel uneasy with so many casts
2) Same with the FreeHGlobal -- too many casts
3) the code that does strncpy seems to be copying more than it
should. I think Marshal::StringTOHGlobalAnsi returns a null-
terminated string. Copying 19 bytes further than seems to be
trampling on memory that doesn't belong to the code.
Any insights?