Marquee effect

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rajesh Candamourty
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Rajesh Candamourty

Dear All,

Can anyone tell me to have a marquee effect on a button displayes in a form,
it would be even fine on a label or a text box.

Any help is highly appreciated

Thank you.
Rajesh Candamourty
Because then you have three people in three different places answerring a
question that may already be answerred in another group. It wastes the time
of two of them because they may not know that you already have an answer in
another group.

If you want your question to show up in three groups, place each group name
in the "Newsgroups:" field when you post the message. This will cause a
linked copy to be displayed in each group. If someone answers one of them,
the answer will show in all the groups so others will know they do not need
to invest their time in answering it.

Hope that helps.

Rajesh Candamourty said:
Dear All,

Can anyone tell me to have a marquee effect on a button displayes in
a form, it would be even fine on a label or a text box.

Answered elsewhere.
With the web-based newsreader there is no option I can find of posting to
more than one group. I don't know if "Rajesh" was using the web-based
version, but if so that is one of the limitations of that forum. Some of us
are not able to use a program such as OE for a newsreader because the
firewall or the proxy server (or something) won't recognize anything other
than the e-mail servers.
BruceM said:
With the web-based newsreader there is no option I can find of
posting to more than one group.

You can do it, but they don't make it obvious because, as they say in
the help:

cross-post Adding a single post to more than one discussion group at
the same time. Cross-posting is an advanced feature and should only be
used if you really believe that more than one discussion group will be
interested in your thread.
multi-post Adding the same post to more than one discussion group, one
discussion group at a time (so there is only one group listed in the
header of each post). Multi-posting is not recommended and should only
be used if you are prepared to track down each individual instance of
your posts.
Tips for posting
Before posting a question to a discussion group, read and use the
following tips:
6. Don't cross-post (add a single post to more than one discussion group
at the same time) or multi-post (add the same post to more than one
discussion group, one discussion group at a time). It is very unlikely
that any post really belongs in more than one or two discussion groups,
and it is easier to track responses to a single post. Take the time to
choose the best single discussion group for your post.

To cross-post using the web-based newsreader, you have to click the
little Advanced Options link at the bottom of the "new question" window.
Then a box is displayed for you to enter the names -- fully qualified
USENet names, mind you -- of the additional newsgroups you want to post
I don't know if "Rajesh" was using
the web-based version, but if so that is one of the limitations of
that forum. Some of us are not able to use a program such as OE for
a newsreader because the firewall or the proxy server (or something)
won't recognize anything other than the e-mail servers.

Despite feeling strongly that people should avoid cross-posting as much
as possible, I agree that MS should make it easier to do using the
web-based newsreader. As it is, all they're doing is encouraging people
to multi-post, which is bad for everyone.
I found it! I never knew about that option. It was probably there all
along, but it was either among a lot of other information, or if I did see it
I didn't recognize what they were saying. When I click Help on the newsgroup
web page I am told that the requested web page is not available. I don't
know if that is the usual thing when I click there, but if I tried it before
and got that response I probably gave up on it. I take it that the Usenet
name is microsoft.public.access.forms (if I wanted to post to this forum).
I don't have that much use for the feature, but sometimes I don't know if a
question should be in reports or queries, for instance.
Thanks again for the helpful response.

Dirk Goldgar said:
BruceM said:
With the web-based newsreader there is no option I can find of
posting to more than one group.

You can do it, but they don't make it obvious because, as they say in
the help:

cross-post Adding a single post to more than one discussion group at
the same time. Cross-posting is an advanced feature and should only be
used if you really believe that more than one discussion group will be
interested in your thread.
multi-post Adding the same post to more than one discussion group, one
discussion group at a time (so there is only one group listed in the
header of each post). Multi-posting is not recommended and should only
be used if you are prepared to track down each individual instance of
your posts.
Tips for posting
Before posting a question to a discussion group, read and use the
following tips:
6. Don't cross-post (add a single post to more than one discussion group
at the same time) or multi-post (add the same post to more than one
discussion group, one discussion group at a time). It is very unlikely
that any post really belongs in more than one or two discussion groups,
and it is easier to track responses to a single post. Take the time to
choose the best single discussion group for your post.

To cross-post using the web-based newsreader, you have to click the
little Advanced Options link at the bottom of the "new question" window.
Then a box is displayed for you to enter the names -- fully qualified
USENet names, mind you -- of the additional newsgroups you want to post
I don't know if "Rajesh" was using
the web-based version, but if so that is one of the limitations of
that forum. Some of us are not able to use a program such as OE for
a newsreader because the firewall or the proxy server (or something)
won't recognize anything other than the e-mail servers.

Despite feeling strongly that people should avoid cross-posting as much
as possible, I agree that MS should make it easier to do using the
web-based newsreader. As it is, all they're doing is encouraging people
to multi-post, which is bad for everyone.

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)
BruceM said:
I take it that the Usenet name is
microsoft.public.access.forms (if I wanted to post to this forum).

Right. But the others that you see in the list don't all translate so
readily. (Reports and Queries do.) Your best bet, in general, is to go
to the newsgroup and see what appears in your browser's address bar.
The newsgroup name is in there.
I don't have that much use for the feature, but sometimes I don't
know if a question should be in reports or queries, for instance.

Which is what cross-posting is for, though it's easily abused.
Thanks again for the helpful response.

You're welcome. Thanks for pointing ou the deficiencies in the web mail
interface. <g>