Mark Zuckerberg / European Parliament


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
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So Mark Zuckerberg has accepted the European Parliaments invite to Brussels. I wonder if this will be as embarrassing for them as it was for the US senate ??

Lol, I was just writing this up as news. Didn't see that you had beaten me to it!

Bet May isn't pleased that he turned down the UK Parliament. I wonder if they will issue a formal summons like they've threatened...?
I was just writing this up as news. Didn't see that you had beaten me to it!

Well you can always do that and delete this one if you think it will get a better reach. As for the summons I don't think they will as he has accepted their invite without any hassle.
Well you can always do that and delete this one if you think it will get a better reach. As for the summons I don't think they will as he has accepted their invite without any hassle.

No it's fine, I'm happy to leave both.

He accepted the invite from the EU Parliament but rejected the one from the UK Parliament - apparently they've threatened to issue a formal summons. It'll be interesting to see what happens!
No it's fine, I'm happy to leave both.

He accepted the invite from the EU Parliament but rejected the one from the UK Parliament - apparently they've threatened to issue a formal summons. It'll be interesting to see what happens!

Isn't it a bit hypocritical the UK government questioning him on privacy when they have the Snoopers Charter ?
Isn't it a bit hypocritical the UK government questioning him on privacy when they have the Snoopers Charter ?

Isn't that a bit "apples and oranges" — no matter how much we may (dis)like "the Snooper Charters" that exist in most countries?
Looks like the meeting will be livestreamed...

I have personally discussed with Facebook CEO Mr Zuckerberg the possibilty of webstreaming meeting with him. I am glad to announce that he has accepted this new request. Great news for EU citizens. I thank him for the respect shown towards EP. Meeting tomorrow from 18:15 to 19:30