Heather Rabbitt
I'm looking for a formula in excel to give me the maximum and minimum
margin of error at the 95% confidence interval for a given percentage
and sample size.
For example the percentage may be 50% I have a sample size of 16 and
using a stat testing program (STATCHCK) I know the margin of error is
+/- 25% so my maximum would be 75% and my minimum would be 25%.
My problem is I have over 10,000 numbers to check and I want to
automate this in excel. I know there is a data analysis add in excel
but not sure if it can be used to solve my problem.
Any help with my problem would be greatly appreciated.
If you think this should be posted somewhere else please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
I'm looking for a formula in excel to give me the maximum and minimum
margin of error at the 95% confidence interval for a given percentage
and sample size.
For example the percentage may be 50% I have a sample size of 16 and
using a stat testing program (STATCHCK) I know the margin of error is
+/- 25% so my maximum would be 75% and my minimum would be 25%.
My problem is I have over 10,000 numbers to check and I want to
automate this in excel. I know there is a data analysis add in excel
but not sure if it can be used to solve my problem.
Any help with my problem would be greatly appreciated.
If you think this should be posted somewhere else please let me know.
Thanks in advance,