Margin adjustment for mde files

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Reading lots of similar reports about how the user can go to page setup to
adjust the margins in a report. The margins always go back to default,
though. I've checked regarding the name-autocorrect & that's not the issue.

Do mde files not allow adjustment that can be remembered?
A workaround solution I'm planning is to copy the 4 reports and use a matrix
to have 6 up/down and 6 right/left adjustments...then have them select the
amount the printer needs to be adjusted and select the 4 copies of the report
that had their margins pre-set--it makes for a pretty large file.

The Access Cookbook has a solution for mdb files, but not mde files.

Short of making all these copies and writing VB to get the right
combination, are there other ways I'm not thinking of? I would like the page
setup to be remembered on the reports so the user doesn't have to go to page
setup every time they use the software.

Thank you!
Did you read Van Dinh's reply to your 12/18 post?

Folks will need to know that you've covered all the bases...
Each version of Access / Office uses different Service Packs / Service
If you are using Access 2003, you should be up to SP2, at least (my
MSAccess.exe file version is 11.6566.6568).
Use the Microsoft Office Update Web site to get your Access installation up
to date.
Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Al Camp
Candia Computer Consulting - Candia NH
Hi Al,
I tried to do that yesterday & it wanted me to put in my MS Office 2000 disk
(instead of my 2003 disk) so I didn't proceed. Just now I did the update and
my MSAccess.EXE went from a version 11 to a version 9!

When I did my Office 2003 Pro installation a month ago, I had kept my old MS
Publisher instead of downloading the 2003 publisher & I wonder if that was
what triggered the demotion in versions?

Well, I was reading the wrong MSAccess.exe file. Now I do have 11.0.6566.0
Now, however, when I try to re-package with the developer extension, I get
the error message '429' error in OpenAcApp module of clsWizard.

Doing a repair with the ADE disk does not help.

Did the update to office goof this up?