Ok, I got side tracked yesterday...
Here goes...
Start Excel
Open the VBE editor ALT F11
Open the Project Explorer CTRL R
In the pane that opens on the left locate the file name. Since this is a
new file it doesn't yet have a saved name but should be listed as
VBAProject (Book1)
Right click on VBAProject (Book1) and select Insert>Module
Copy/paste this code into the right side window that opens:
Sub KillAnts()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Close the window and return to Excel
Goto the menu Window>Hide
This will hide the file.
Now, save the file:
Goto the menu File>Save As
File name: Personal.xls
Save In:
Save in your XLSTART directory which is typically located at:
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART
Close Excel
Wait a minute or two and restart Excel
Now, create a toolbar button
Right click on any toolbar
Select the Commands tab>Macros
Select the "smilie face" button. Drag it to a good location on one of your
When you get it placed where you want it right click on it (make sure the
Customize user form is still open). You'll be presented with a menu of
various commands.
Select Assign Macro
A user form will open and you should see the macro KillAnts listed. Select
that macro and click on OK
You may want to change the button face to something other than a "smilie
face". Right click the button and in the menu you'll see a couple of
options: Edit Button Image or Change button Image. The Change Button Image
selections aren't too great. So, if you don't want any of those use the
Edit Button Image option. This too, isn't great but you can play around
with it until you get something you can "tolerate".
After your done close the Customize user form.
You should be good to go! Now, when you copy just click the new button you
just created and the marching ants will disappear. This will be available
in any file when you're using Excel.
Microsoft Excel MVP
T. Valko said:
T.Valko/Biff's Toolbar method that'll work on all files - I must have
missed it because I didn't see that method actually explained anywhere
to try it.
I'll write up an explanation later this evening when I have more free
Microsoft Excel MVP
Riccol said:
OK. First I tried Gordon's method:
Sub Ant_Killer()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
To create a General Module, hit ALT + F11 to open the Visual Basic
Hit CRTL + r to open Project Explorer.
Find your workbook/project and select it.
Right-click and Insert>Module. Paste the code [given above] in there.
Save the
workbook and hit ALT + Q to return to your workbook.
Run or edit the macro by going to Tool>Macro>Macros.
You can also assign this macro to a button or a shortcut key combo.
I had no luck with that. Tried it twice from scratch and the ants remain
after pasting, then disappear in the process of clicking thru
Tools/Macros/Macros (or pressing Alt+F8 to open the macro window). So I
must be missing something. I didn't see the point of setting up the
macro when just trying to run the macro does the job the macro was set
up to do.
Next I tried Simon's method of pasting
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
into ThisWorkbook.
That worked great, except if you want to paste the same source formula
in multiple cells you have to recopy the source each time, paste,
recopy, paste, recopy ... So this one actually works too well.
T.Valko/Biff's Toolbar method that'll work on all files - I must have
missed it because I didn't see that method actually explained anywhere
to try it.
So, I think Andrew's Escape method or Suleman's Enter method will work
best for me as I can paste multiple times then just hit Escape or Enter
after making the last paste. Escape is easier for me to reach on the
keyboard, so that will probably be the one that works its way into my
Thankyou everyone,