Mapping users to specific drives on a W2K server

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NT domain
How can I map my users to U:=\\fs4\vol1\users\%username&
When I attempt to do this the mapping is returned as U:\\fs4\vol1.
I need them to see that U: is the user directory and then to see their
specific directory. Unfortunately, I am used to Novell. HELP
lheisey said:
NT domain
How can I map my users to U:=\\fs4\vol1\users\%username&
When I attempt to do this the mapping is returned as U:\\fs4\vol1.
I need them to see that U: is the user directory and then to see their
specific directory. Unfortunately, I am used to Novell. HELP

So you're using an NT4 domain and W2k clients?

Syntax is

net use u: \\servername\sharename\folder /persistent:no

I'd actually recommend a) making sharename hidden (share it as share$) and
also b) specifying the user's home directory path in each user's account
properties on the server, then mapping it as follows in your login script:

net use u: /home /persistent:no
As long as fs4 is a share, it should work. I have a share named Users, with
all the user folders under it, and I map U: to \\server\users\%username%
ACKtually, Im using a Win2K Server, with Active Directory. I was usin
ifmember.exe to map users to Group Folders, as per departmental OUs
created. But my logon script seems to work for some and not all. I
there a way i can effectively, VISIBLY map group folders to users, s
that they can see them along with their home folders? Do i have to d
it with a logon script, or can i do it in AD? Mapping of time, an
printers has never worked, also. This is a sample logon script that
use, in each sub-OU:

Rem Logon script************************
Echo Welcome %USERNAME% to the %USERDOMAIN% Domain
REM Set The Time*******
REM Drive Mappings**********************
REM Home Drive***************************
REM Group Folders******************************
Rem End Script

this holds for the Management Group, under the AdminDept sub-OU, whic
resides under CompanyOffice OU. The order is like this:
domain:companyname.local -- CompanyOfficeOU---DeptsubOUs--Groups.

I hope this is clear enough, and i really need help.

