Mapping drives

  • Thread starter Thread starter Newbie123
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Using Vista Buisness 32 I'm mapped to a cloud server drive Z//books. But
when I try to map another letter to a subfolder; W//books/chapter1, I get an
error 08x0070043 "network name cannot be found". I can go to Z and browse
through all its files and folders, i can see and go into chapter1, but I
can't map to it!! WTF?

I'm logged in as admin, the cloud server is Fat32, but I already have and
established working map drive Z.

Any suggestions?
Have you assigned permissions in the Security tab? Or this post may help.
The network name cannot be found
2 posts - Last post: Oct 9, 2007
Refer to Vista common issue - can see but access ... has occurred -
The network name cannot be found. "Network path not found" in a domain . ...

Bob Lin, Microsoft-MVP, MCSE & CNE
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