Does anyone know how to map network drives on Windows 2000
without having to lonon to the system?
without having to lonon to the system?
RT said:Does anyone know how to map network drives on Windows 2000
without having to lonon to the system?
dislike about Windows 2000 Pro, the only way to capture printers is to runChris White - Stirling said:Hi,
I would of thought running a batch file upon boot would work. Thats what i
(where X is the drive letter for mapping).You need to use the "net use" command.
In DOS you would type: net use x: \\servername\sharename
serious all the time you have to question liking your job.Chris White - Stirling said:Hi Peg,
Its the I.T. Industry, alot of things are a laughing matter, if your
was there... now its gone... strange?If you cant capture printers in Windows 2000 thats just silly, technology
developments that made progression in previous versions went out of theAppears in a number of Microsoft games as well so i have found,
Seriously though if your going to put me on the spot then it isn't helping this person.