H Hex @dezimal Jul 25, 2003 #1 Using the CurrentRowIndex of a datagrid how can I found the matching row in its datasource ( a dataset)? Hex.
Using the CurrentRowIndex of a datagrid how can I found the matching row in its datasource ( a dataset)? Hex.
H Hex @dezimal Jul 25, 2003 #2 I solved this problem by using the CurrencyManager: Dim objCurrencyManager As CurrencyManager = CType(BindingContext(objDataGrid.DataSource, objDataGrid.DataMember), CurrencyManager) column_value = CType(objCurrencyManager.Current, DataRowView).Item("column_name") Hex.
I solved this problem by using the CurrencyManager: Dim objCurrencyManager As CurrencyManager = CType(BindingContext(objDataGrid.DataSource, objDataGrid.DataMember), CurrencyManager) column_value = CType(objCurrencyManager.Current, DataRowView).Item("column_name") Hex.