Mapped drive programs long time to open




I have a peer-to-peer network, which has recently had
other computers added to it - prior to this, it was a
stand-alone computer. Now I need to share some files and
programs via mapped drives, which have been set up.

On this 'server' computer, which is also used as a
workstation, all data and files are retained.

I have a database program written in dBase IV, which I
know has a number of open files in the program.

If I access and open this program from the SERVER, the
C:\f\database directory, it works as fast as ever to open

If I access this same exe file from the SERVER, to open
the program from the mapped drive of F:\database, it can
take up to 1-2 minutes to open the program.

It also takes about the same amount of time from the other
computer on the network, when accessed via the mapped

I have disabled NAV and AVG anti-virus checking on these
areas and files, NAV originally was making some
difference, but the main delay is still there.

I have disconnected the mapped drive and reconnected it,
it made no difference.

I know (I've seen it) that this program works on other
sites to open on a mapped drive across a network
absolutely fine, with no delays like I'm seeing here, so I
know it has to be a local environment issue, I just don't
know what to do next to try and troubleshoot this.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


Further info


Sorry - further info I should have put in the above
posting -

In the task manager, when this program is opening, it
shoots up to 100%.

The process most involved is the 'System' file - usually
at abouat 80%,
the program trying to open at about 19/20%.

It looks to me like the hitch is hanging up in
the 'system' somewhere, processing the command to open all
the files up.

Just can't figure out why it only happens on the mapped
drive access, and not the "C:\" access as well. Must be
something to do with Windows, rather than the program



Could well be name resolution for your computer. Try anding a name to the lmhosts file locally or hosts file for each machine. Also check your bindings order for each machine to see if your preferred protocol is at the top of the pile. I hoep this helps.



Thanks - I'll look into those options.



-----Original Message-----
Could well be name resolution for your computer. Try
anding a name to the lmhosts file locally or hosts file
for each machine. Also check your bindings order for each
machine to see if your preferred protocol is at the top of
the pile. I hoep this helps.

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