
  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim Munro
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Tim Munro

Hi all,
I am running Windows XP SP3 with the Exchange 2007 (x86) Exchange
Management Tools installed.

I have VB.NET (2008) project underway that invokes a Powershell
subprocess using standard procedures found on the web. Generally it works
very well. I have successfully invoked the following PS commands and
returned their results:


But when I try Get-MailboxStatistics I get:
MapiExceptionLowLevelInitializationFailure: Unable to load exrpc32.dll or
one of its dependent DLLs (extrace.dll, exchmem.dll, msvcr80.dll, etc.)

All commands work perfectly in the Exchange Management Shell.

I've read the thread on the Web between "Mathias", "Karl Mitschke" and
"SvenC" but it just ends with no resolution.

Here's the Function:

Function RunExchCommand(ByVal PSCommand As Command) As IEnumerable
Dim RunSpace As Runspace
Dim RsConfig As RunspaceConfiguration
Dim SnapInInfo As PSSnapInInfo
Dim warning As PSSnapInException = New PSSnapInException()
Dim Results As IEnumerable

RsConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create
SnapInInfo =
If Not IsNothing(warning) Then
MsgBox("Error loading Exchange 2007 Management shell" & vbCrLf &
vbCrLf & warning.Message)
RunExchCommand = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
RunSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(RsConfig)
Dim MyPipeLine As Pipeline = RunSpace.CreatePipeline()

Results = MyPipeLine.Invoke()
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information)
Results = Nothing
End Try
RunExchCommand = Results
End Function

Here's the calling code snippet:

MyCommand = New Command("Get-MailboxStatistics")
MyCommand.Parameters.Add("Identity", sDN)
' It dies at this next command
' There's nothing here that I have not done elsewhere except the actual
PS command itself
PSResults = DirectCast(RunExchCommand(MyCommand), IList)
MBXStats = DirectCast(PSResults(0), PSObject)
If DirectCast(Mailbox.Properties("HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled").Value,
Boolean) Then
Hidden_chk.Checked = True
End If
If DirectCast(Mailbox.Properties("UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults").Value,
Boolean) Then
MBXDefaults_chk.Checked = True
Warning_tbox.Text =
NoSend_tbox.Text =
NoSendRec_tbox.Text =
End If

Needless to say any help would be greatly appreciated.
I remember something along the same lines, but can't find it in my archives.

It was relating to the fact that the dev system had been used to create an
application against a pre-release version of Exchange 2007, so it still had
older DLLs loaded. The older DLLs were getting the priority, and were

Have you used this system to develop on older versions of Exchange,
including your current one? That even includes changes in SPs...

Yes, I do have ESM installed on this machine for Exchange 2003 as will the
target audience (until the migration is complete). That being the can I
reference the correct DLLs in the "References" section of the VB IDE? Also
why would it work OK from the EMS command line?
Exchange 2003 and 2007 are in the same Organization running in mixed mode.
Once the migration is compete, 2003 will be decomissioned and 2007 will run
in native mode.

I'll try the forums you mentioned. Thanks Marco.