map drive script in policy not running

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian Dugas
  • Start date Start date

Brian Dugas

I made a one-line batch file for a script to map drive. The batch-file
script works fine.
However, I'm having problems making the script run during logon for users.

When I set the script up, I use a UNC path for the script file. It looks


"Server" is the computer name of my server, and "" is my domain.

I created a folder called "Scripts" in my Policies to house all script files
(easier to find that way).

This is what happens:

User "Jack" logs in, and script does not run.
RSOP.MSC shows that script should have run.
Sometimes (but not always) event log shows access denied to script path.

User Jack navigates to \\Server\SYSVOL\\Policies\scripts\ and
executes map.bat.
Drive is mapped with no trouble.
Did I mention Jack is a domain admin?

I've had Domain Users run this with no problem. Domain Users also have no
problem navigating to \\Server\SYSVOL\\Policies\scripts\

Am I picking a bad folder to hold my scripts in? Should I create a custom
folder on a share drive somewhere and put all my scripts there? Is there
anything wrong with the current path I'm using?

so you are saying that maps domain users but not domain administrators? Do
you have domain administrators with apply this policy in group policy?

Do you have the scripts folder as a shared folder?

If so, I would use the path \\server\scripts\map.bat

If not, I would share the folder scripts.

But actuaully, what I do is have the logon script set in active directory.
I have the logon script set to logon.bat. Active directory will look for
logon.bat in the \\server\sysvol\scripts folder which we have shared as
Netlogon. I keep the logon.bat file and any other scripts there. I use the
logon.bat file to run any other scripts (for example, I have multiple lines
running various different vbs files as well as mapping the network drives).
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I figured I put the scripts in a bad
place. I'll try the netlogon path and see how that goes. Thanks.