Many to Many Relationships

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ron
  • Start date Start date


This is killing me. I am building a simple sales database
that will allow me to enter my customers info (name,
address, city, and so on). Next, I want to assign an
order number to the current sale and list multiple
products under the order number, add the totals, and print
a receipt. I also want to be able to bring the customer
back up for other sales under new order numbers. I have
built a customer info table and a orders table. I created
a customer form and put the orders subform within it. I
can display a customer's info and enter in as many single
orders with 1 product each without any problem. My problem
is that when I get to the last field of the orders subform
the autonumber function creates a new order number (a new
sale). I cannot figure out how to enter several products
under a single order number for each customer.

Thanks for any help.
The sample database "NorthWind" that comes with your
Access software should fit your bill perfectly. There
should be plenty of ideas / sample Forms / Reports / codes
that you can use in your database.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

I did see reference to the Northwind database in a book
that I bought but I guess that I did not install in
during the initial installation. I went back to install
it but did not see the option. I will uninstall Access
and reinstall to get the database on my harddrive. I
will let you khow what happens. I really appreciate your

Ron Panus

You shouldn't need to uninstall and re-install. Use the Control Panel / Add
or Remove Program / Select Microsoft Office (or Access if you only have
Access) and there should be a "Change" option

In fact, it is like that you only need to expand the NorthWind file from the
installation disk.

If you want to uninstall & re-install, I recommend install *everything*.
Firstly, you won't be aware of these features if you don't see them.
Secondly, it is a pain to find the CD when you are in a hurry to do
something. With the lower price of hard-disks these days, it is not worth
the hassles to save a few megs.