many records for one table in one form

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S P via

I have a form in MS Access that allows the user to input the names for areas of study. I want to have it so that the user can input 10 areas of stundy at one time, thus the table will be populated 10 rows at a time.

I would then like to have a command button that will allow the user to input the next set of recrods.

Is this possible? Not a VBA programmer but can play around with the event procedure and some code if need be

The table in question has two columns one areaname the other areaid (which is an autonumber)
There are no set rows in the table.

I have a normal from created by the wizard (no subform)
I removed the record selector, navigation, divided lines, etc. and have a series of buttons at the bottom of the from -
1) rest(undo) 2) reset and close form, 3) modify, 4) save close form, and 5) add next record

I have so that when the user enter the form (it opens to a new record) it does not show the contexts of the table (and I dont want the user to see it - they will get easily confused)
IF the user click modify a new form pops up where the user can move through one record at a time and choose to delete it or to change the text in the record
the five buttons for the modify form - 1) reset and close form, 2) go to previous record, 3) delete record, 4) go to next record, 5) save and close

But this way the user enters only one area, then has to click add next record to enter the next area, and has to do this over and over until the user has finished entering all the areas. Basically what I want to have the same look (labels and text box) and have the user enter up to ten areas at a time, so something like this:

Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|
Enter Area Name: |___________________|

then instead of the add next record button I can have add next set of record(s).

If I simple copy the one label and text box I have 9 times and arrange it like the above when the user inputs data into one it gets copied to the other 9 and only one row is create in the table.

if you have an helpful idea or can tell me what to do
kindly reply to spandit13[AT]gmail[Dot]com
sorry wrong email

if you have an helpful idea or can tell me what to do
kindly reply to spandit3[AT]gmail[Dot]com

would it be possible to have an onclick event procdure for every text box that dose something like this:

For the first text box on the form
have a variable row which corresponds to a row number from the one table the form enters data into
have a variable n (counter)

set n = 1
check if row [n] is null
if so set text box to enter data in row[n]
if row [n] is not null then add ten to n and check again

for the rest of the text box on the form
have a variable i (counter)
get row number from last test box set as
add 1 to
set text box to enter data in row

then the user can input up to 10 records at a time then click the add next set of records button....