The more I use Vista the more I like it. MS has done A hella good job on
this. So this really is offered as constructive criticism. About the lack of
being able to configure the explorer toolbars the way the user (that would
be me, in this case) likes them. Especially for ie7. I am aware of the
command bar toggle and adding commands to it. and also the toggle of the
file menu. but this falls way too short. As it is, it takes up to much
precious screen realestate. Add another tool bar, it gets thicker yet. And
from what I have read, I'm not the only one that would love to have this
ability back. I'm thinking this functionality needs to be taken back out of
the scrap heap. and put to good use.
this. So this really is offered as constructive criticism. About the lack of
being able to configure the explorer toolbars the way the user (that would
be me, in this case) likes them. Especially for ie7. I am aware of the
command bar toggle and adding commands to it. and also the toggle of the
file menu. but this falls way too short. As it is, it takes up to much
precious screen realestate. Add another tool bar, it gets thicker yet. And
from what I have read, I'm not the only one that would love to have this
ability back. I'm thinking this functionality needs to be taken back out of
the scrap heap. and put to good use.