Mandriva 64 bit and Boinc


Sep 30, 2005
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Get yer thinking caps on guys and galls .

I have Mandriva Free Spring 2008 64 Bit installed and working just fine . I looked in the ADD/REMOVE programs unit it has and can see no mention of any Boinc related stuff at all .No it may be that I need to add some more "software repositarythingys" for boinc stuff to show up but I don't know how to do that yet .

So I downloaded Boinc from the Berkley home site . Now I managed to install the program by using the Konsole and got it to run but ,
I have no icons ,
It does not show up in the programs menue,
It seems incapable of connecting to a project/anything.

I get the program to run by clicking on a cog in the boinc folder , I guess thats a .exe . The program did ask me to put in details , just like a new install , so I put in WCG and me name and password . The program seemed just like a good install . It opens up and everything seems fine , runs CPU Benchmarks ok .It just won't connect .

Now I have wiped the install of the os and have a fresh install . So can you folk help me to get and install boinc so I can crunch crunch again .


P.S. Taffycat would love Neko from the Amor program . He he . :D
Did you see these"help" pages from

Get BOINC to start automatically

You will want to arrange to have BOINC start whenever your computer starts (for a "daemon" installation) or at least when you log in (for a "personal" installation). For a "daemon" installation you need to have a Unix start/stop script which is invoked when the machine is booted. I use the following script:
then he links to here:init.d/boinc

This is known to work on Debian, Ubuntu, Mandrake, Slackware, and SuSe Linux distributions. More information about starting BOINC automatically on a wide variety of platforms can be found at:Starting BOINC automatically.

It all looked suitably complicated, so hope it might help ;)

Neko from the Armor programme...? Who he? :lol:
Missed those very informative brain friers
seriously some of them look as though they will help a lot .

Neko not "who he" though I suppose she could be . Look out for her in my Mandriva walkthroughs .




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Can anyone tell me how to type this into a konsole .

ps -A -f | grep "boinc"

[size=-1] can you tell I'm really happy to have followed yet another load of crap instructions that lead nowhere . [/size][size=-1]


Well done, bet you're pleased :D

(Psssst..... very cunning of you to be using invisible ink in your posts... hee hee, I'm guessing too much Enid Blyton as a lad?) :lol:
More like Just William and Dennis the Menace .

I followed Taffycats link ,

Then clicked on the Mandriva link and it got me to here,

An very carefully followed his walkthrough and hey presto , everything works just fine . Boinc has its own account and starts and stops as I start and stop the pc . So a very big thank you to the guy who wrote the guide and a big thanks to Taffycat for helping me to find it .

When I get around to it I'll post a walkthrough or two on the Mandriva install . Its a darn fine distro and I'm pretty darn tooting well impresed with it so far .

I still would like to know how to type out this though ,

ps -A -f | grep "boinc"

It is the vertical line between the "f" and the "grep" that I can not reproduce .


P.S. What do you recon to Neko then Taffycat ? :D





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Abarbarian said:
I still would like to know how to type out this though ,

ps -A -f | grep "boinc"

It is the vertical line between the "f" and the "grep" that I can not reproduce .

Is that not just a dash (-), on the key next to the 0? Or is it that it doesn't work in Linux when you press it (I know nothing about Linux, so excuse me if I sound daft :lol: )
Ian Cunningham said:
Is that not just a dash (-), on the key next to the 0? Or is it that it doesn't work in Linux when you press it (I know nothing about Linux, so excuse me if I sound daft :lol: )

Next to the "o" on the keyboard thems is "-" or "_" which is horizontal lines which you can type the same in linux or windows . It is how to type a horizontal line that stumps me , as it seems to be needed to make the command work in the konsole . I tried lots of different combinations and I only got the command to work when I copied and pasted the exact line into the konsole .Did my head in I can tell you . So I'm still loooking for a solution.

(I know nothing about Linux, so excuse me if I sound daft
) ----- me neither an I quite often sound daft
Oh sorry, yes I am daft.... I didn't see "vertical" :lol: I really do need new contact lenses ;)

To get the vertical bar, press shift and the key to the right of Z:

||||||||||||| :D
Well me first 6 hour unit has finished and seems to have been sent ok to WCG base so it looks like I'm crunch crunch crunching with me 64 bit Mandriva . Whooopeeeeeeeeeeee :p
The vertical line (apparently called a "pipe") looks as if it needs "tags" .... I think ... does this make any sense to you?

Note: If a template has to contain the equal sign (=) or the pipe symbol (|) it won't work unless the "=" or "|" are escaped with the tags <nowiki> and

If you look, you will need to scroll down to the bottom line of the sub-heading "Templates"

Abarbarian said:
More like Just William and Dennis the Menace .

Yay... I was a fan fact I still enjoy William stories, they're still funny :D
Taffycat said:
The vertical line (apparently called a "pipe") looks as if it needs "tags" .... I think ... does this make any sense to you?


If you look, you will need to scroll down to the bottom line of the sub-heading "Templates"

Yay... I was a fan fact I still enjoy William stories, they're still funny :D

Ta fer info Taffycat but I think that relates to some other procedure . Ian has shown me where the horizontal key is on the keyboard so I know for next time .

So what about Neko ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????///

Oh sorry Abarbarian and Ian, I misunderstood the question, thought you were having probs getting the pipe to show up, not that you couldn't find it on the keyboard, duh :rolleyes: I'm a dummy :lol:

Neko, ah yes, I'm thinking 'tis she of the large eyes and cute, cat ears..? Or did I go wrong again :lol: Found some pics on good old Google :thumb:
Abarbarian said:
Ha ha I did a google and found these ,

Not quite what I meant though . If you look at the pics I posted you'll see Mandrivas own version of Neko . I think she's really cute .


No, didn't mean those either, this is the one I saw

I looked through your Mandriva pics - several times ;) but................ hey, wait a mo, you don't mean that wee cat that is sitting on top of that "Warning" window... do you?
..Oh and she's running along the top of the Control Centre window too! Oh duh, I've missed her until just now :rolleyes: Very cute though, yes I'd like that a lot :D (but I also liked the XP "search" dog) :D


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An thats not all she does . :D

The pics you posted are some from some anamie series , you'd probably love them too .
