First thing you should do is set up "Software Sources"
OK ....
Add a source for updates and "contrib"
Found a reference to easyurpmi over in alt.os.linux.mandrake,
and managed to get it configured and working on the 2nd try
with a different ftp server than CPAN ....
Since the 1st try failed, I used urpmi.removemedia -a ,
which cleared *everything* out ....
How are the designations for the first 3 install CDs coded
when adding them back ????
urpmi.addmedia main ----cdrom1 , cdrom2 , cdrom3---- with ../????
The software package manger/installer is impressive
and seems to work well with the limited experience
that I have with it ....
Also see the Windows/Linux table of equivalents at
Thanks for the link ....
Currently, I don't feel the need to search out too many equivalents
as I've found most of the basics : browser, mail/news , editor, etc.
but I'm sure I'll check later ...
Also, Python 2.3.3 works right out of the box,
batteries included .... Whoo Hoo !!!!
If there are specific development tools you are looking for
post back and I'll try to help
Some Python GUI libraries .... found / installed / tested ....
Have I mentioned that the package manager/installer
in Linux Mandake is impressive ????
Install NIC_Router_Modem Score is now ....
Knoppix 3.2 ............. + 1
Mandrake 10 ............. + 1
Win98_SE ................ 0
After a bit of futzing about with the configs,
I finally managed to get the NIC connected
under Mandrake 10 and am currently on-line with it ....
However, I'm experiencing too many time-out problems
when surfing to web-sites that I never had
with my previous aDSL internal modem ....
For example, [ google.com | alltheweb.com | python.org ]
all time-out regularly ....
I think I remember tweaking some time-out settings,
but can't remember where or how or how to find them again ....
Also tried getting to dslreports.com to look for tune-ups,
but it timed-out too ....
Windows ignores all other Operating Systems
but Linux will see them all.
Now we get into the realms of primary partions and partitions
within extended partitions and how Windows treats them !!
Within Windows open device manager, find the partion/drive letter
and select properties.
You should be able to specify a start/finish drive letter
(i.e. make them both the same) but you can't change
what windows sees as the primary partition on the first drive
- that's always going to be drive C: whatever you do.
You'll probably be able to move drive letters up the chain
(i.e. make drive E: become drive H

but you'll probably not be able
to shift down the drive letter table.
Thanks for the info ....
On the drive I used the space available was at the beginning
of the drive with all of the Windows partitions following it,
and I wanted to try and get Linux installed without having
to re-load all of the Windows programs ....
However, if the partition manager will let me nuke all
of the Windows partitions and re-create them above
the Linux partition without re-installing Linux,
then with the Linux partition at the end
instead of the beginning, Windows should be able
to sort out the drive-letter assignments ....
It seems this should work, and if I have to re-install
Linux I will, but I'd rather not ....
Is your email (hotmail) valid ?
Yes it is ....
However, I'm not sure how to config KMail
to deal with HotMail addresses ....
I have HTML connection strings that work
with Outlook Express, but haven't tried them
with KMail as yet ....
Also, haven't been able to check my regular eMail box
through my ISP, because the connection appears to be
timing-out ....
Got to fix these time-out problems ....
And thanks to you Gordon for ....
o providing useful information to me with regard
to these particular problems
o your on-going effort to provide useful freeware links
and support information here in ACF ....