Is it possible to manage a user profile that is locked
down by group policies logged in as an administrator?
For instance:
UserA is locked down using group policies from a Windows
2000 network. The Control Panel is completely locked
out, Internet Explorer properties are locked out, and
desktop properties are locked out. Can an administrator
log on to UserA's computer and make adjustments to the
settings in UserA's profile that are locked out by the
group policies? I tried looking at it through
poledit.exe, but could not find a place to do this. I
tried looking at the user's profile under documents and
settings, but could not do it there becasue once I log
off of the machine and UserA logs on, any tempotrary
changes are overridden by the group policies.
down by group policies logged in as an administrator?
For instance:
UserA is locked down using group policies from a Windows
2000 network. The Control Panel is completely locked
out, Internet Explorer properties are locked out, and
desktop properties are locked out. Can an administrator
log on to UserA's computer and make adjustments to the
settings in UserA's profile that are locked out by the
group policies? I tried looking at it through
poledit.exe, but could not find a place to do this. I
tried looking at the user's profile under documents and
settings, but could not do it there becasue once I log
off of the machine and UserA logs on, any tempotrary
changes are overridden by the group policies.