I'm creating a managed VC++ .NET application that uses standard controls
(e.g., Form. RadioBox, Button, etc.). These use 'Color' as the type for such
things as ForeColor and BackColor. Many Colors are already provided (i.e.,
Black, Red, SeaGreen, etc.) as a convenience.
However, I can't seem to find out how to create my own custom colors. In the
VC++ GUI it seems to think I should be able to use the Color::Color(r,g,b)
constructor, in that it recognizes them in the editor (i.e., they show up as
'tool tips' when typing the Color constructors). But, when compiled, it says
these same constructors don't exist!
I want to do something like:
Color myColor( r, g, b ) ;
where 'r','g', and 'b' are the red green anf blue componenets of the color.
An alpha channel component ('a' in ARGB) would be nice, but not necessary.
Note that in theory the above should just work (assuming r,g, and b are
setup correctly), but it doesn't. I assume I can create my own colors, but
PS - I have a similar problem with Fonts. How do I get a list of available
FontFamiy's for a particular machine so I can change a control's font to one
other than the default (and make sure it is available)?
(e.g., Form. RadioBox, Button, etc.). These use 'Color' as the type for such
things as ForeColor and BackColor. Many Colors are already provided (i.e.,
Black, Red, SeaGreen, etc.) as a convenience.
However, I can't seem to find out how to create my own custom colors. In the
VC++ GUI it seems to think I should be able to use the Color::Color(r,g,b)
constructor, in that it recognizes them in the editor (i.e., they show up as
'tool tips' when typing the Color constructors). But, when compiled, it says
these same constructors don't exist!
I want to do something like:
Color myColor( r, g, b ) ;
where 'r','g', and 'b' are the red green anf blue componenets of the color.
An alpha channel component ('a' in ARGB) would be nice, but not necessary.
Note that in theory the above should just work (assuming r,g, and b are
setup correctly), but it doesn't. I assume I can create my own colors, but
PS - I have a similar problem with Fonts. How do I get a list of available
FontFamiy's for a particular machine so I can change a control's font to one
other than the default (and make sure it is available)?