"managing" dust with black kvm...

  • Thread starter Thread starter KILOWATT
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Hi everyones...thanks to read. I'm planning to build a new system soon and
i'm planning to use black for the keyboard/monitor/mouse. I would like to
know if the dust is so visible on them as some people says. I'm not a pig,i
dust my room once a week with the vacuum cleaner but black
is...well...black! :-) Would like to hear comments from users using this
color for their hardware. TIA

Montréal Québec
PS: 1000 excuses for errors or omissions,
i'm a "pure" french canadian! :-)
Come to visit me at: http://kilowatt.camarades.com
(If replying also by e-mail, remove
"no spam" from the adress.)
Hi everyones...thanks to read. I'm planning to build a new system soon and
i'm planning to use black for the keyboard/monitor/mouse. I would like to
know if the dust is so visible on them as some people says. I'm not a pig,i
dust my room once a week with the vacuum cleaner but black
is...well...black! :-) Would like to hear comments from users using this
color for their hardware. TIA

I defintely would go with a darker color. Ive got a Viewsonic monitor
thats silver in the front and black over the rest of the 80% of its
cover. Sure you can see that whitish layer of dust but thats easy to
dust off and if you put a cloth on it when you are gone - a towel or
something or just buy a duster and dust it off once in a while , its
ways less noticeable than the filthy grime !

I live in place where incredible amounts of dust and brownish and
black grime seems to get on everything. My older VIewsonic thats the
traditional beige and other keyboards get FILTHY. They have dirt like
stains that are impossible to get 100% clean and Ive tried many times
periodically. In fact I hated so much - one of the attractions was the
silver and black of the Ultrabrite viewsonic series. I also got the
newer MS ergo split KB which is still beige but its a darker beige in
the middle and really dark gray at the top and bottom.

Personally I dont even feel like touching others people computers - I
go to peoples houses and see their PCs and the KBs and Monitors etc
look like someone got them out of a junk pile and wiped boogers all
over them. They have filthy decrepit looking dark dirt stains all over
the cases and keyboard - YUCK. Whitish beige shows dirt like crazy.
Hi everyones...thanks to read. I'm planning to build a new system soon and
i'm planning to use black for the keyboard/monitor/mouse. I would like to
know if the dust is so visible on them as some people says. I'm not a pig,i
dust my room once a week with the vacuum cleaner but black
is...well...black! :-) Would like to hear comments from users using this
color for their hardware. TIA

A bigger problem with gloss dark finishes is fingerprints.
If you left the parts sit and collect dust, sure you'll be
able to see dust, moreso than on light off-white parts...
though it's not necessarily a bad thing to be abe to tell
when things need dusted. Otherwise, like anything else it'll
just be less black, more greyish with dust buildup.
Hi everyones...thanks to read. I'm planning to build a new system soon and
i'm planning to use black for the keyboard/monitor/mouse. I would like to
know if the dust is so visible on them as some people says. I'm not a pig,i
dust my room once a week with the vacuum cleaner but black
is...well...black! :-) Would like to hear comments from users using this
color for their hardware. TIA

Dust shouldn't be an issue for any equipment that gets much use. The bigger
issue is how many nooks on the cases/keyboard, etc. that will be difficult
to clean. (One of my pet peeves about stereo equipment, etc.)

One thing to consider with a black keyboard... If you have black keys on a
black keyboard they can be harder to see and hit. Not a big issue, but I do
notice it now and then...
Thanks a lot for all your replies. Since none seems really frustrated from
owning black hardware...i'll go for it! ;-)