I've got a Windows service application that I wrote in Visual C++ 6.0 quite a while back. It hosts a single COM object that's used for pulling out data that's past into the service (from Unix) via sockets. I've been able to interface with the service, from C#, through a interop assembly that I created using the type library of the service
Here are some questions that have been bouncing around in my head
1) If I were to recompile the service using the /clr switch and add a managed interface to it, would that essentially be the same thing as what I've already accomplished using the interop assembly?
2) Does either way provide better performance in terms of memory and CPU utilization
Here are some questions that have been bouncing around in my head
1) If I were to recompile the service using the /clr switch and add a managed interface to it, would that essentially be the same thing as what I've already accomplished using the interop assembly?
2) Does either way provide better performance in terms of memory and CPU utilization