Lars Grøtteland
Could anyone help me please.
I tried the following - I created an application in .NET 2003. The project
is a MFC Application a CDialog. I ran the application fine. I changed the
properties for the app - so I should use Managed Code (Use Managed
Extensions = YES). It still ran fine. I should now be able to add new
things like Windows Forms. Am I right?
You see I tried to add a Windows Form
NET) item in my app, but when I tried
to add it in my application I receive an error during compile:
error C3828: 'MFC02::Form01': placement arguments not allowed while creating
instances of managed classes
The application is called MFC02 - the WindowsForm is called Form01. Here is
my code to get this error
MFC02::Form01* myform = new MFC02::Form01();
What am I missing?
Is it so that I can't use unmanaged code togheter with managed code? Is my
code unmanaged when I selected that I should use Use Managed Extensions =
Could anyone please help me
Could anyone help me please.
I tried the following - I created an application in .NET 2003. The project
is a MFC Application a CDialog. I ran the application fine. I changed the
properties for the app - so I should use Managed Code (Use Managed
Extensions = YES). It still ran fine. I should now be able to add new
things like Windows Forms. Am I right?
You see I tried to add a Windows Form

to add it in my application I receive an error during compile:
error C3828: 'MFC02::Form01': placement arguments not allowed while creating
instances of managed classes
The application is called MFC02 - the WindowsForm is called Form01. Here is
my code to get this error
MFC02::Form01* myform = new MFC02::Form01();
What am I missing?
Is it so that I can't use unmanaged code togheter with managed code? Is my
code unmanaged when I selected that I should use Use Managed Extensions =
Could anyone please help me