managed class inheriting from unmanaged class

  • Thread starter Thread starter Romain TAILLANDIER
  • Start date Start date


Hi group !

i suppose i have a c++ class MyCppClass, wrinting in an unmanaged
traditional C++ .
I there any way to create a C# (or C++ managed) class that inherits
MyCppClass ?? ( by importing the adapted dll or headers or whatever else )

I think it is a sweet dreams, but i ask ....

thank you for your help
one way around this is to house the class inside a managed wrapper. then you
should be able to get what you want. it takes a bit of a rewrite though.
Exatly what i guess ...
thank you both for confirmation ....


Alvin Bruney said:
one way around this is to house the class inside a managed wrapper. then you
should be able to get what you want. it takes a bit of a rewrite though.