Hi WithPit!
I am trying to create an Managed C++ Wrapper around an unmanaged library
which contains C++ code.
Some of the unmanaged methods returns an returntype which is of the abstract
base type (for example unmanagedObject). How can i convert this to the
managed abstract basetype?
If you really write an wrapper then your class should look like:
public __gc Wrapper : public IDisposable
Wrapper() {pNative = new NativeClass
int WrapperFunction1(...) {return pNative->Function1(...);}
void WrapperFunction2(...) {return pNative->Function2(...);}
void Dispose() (delete pNative
NativeClass *pNative;
(Of course, sometimes you need to do some marshalling...)
And now, if it returns the object itself, you just need to create an new
instance of the Wrapper-class (and you also must be sure to call the
correctly deletefuntion):
public __gc Wrapper : public IDisposable
Wrapper() {pNative = new NativeClass
int WrapperFunction1(...) {return pNative->Function1(...);}
void WrapperFunction2(...) {return pNative->Function2(...);}
void Dispose() (delete pNative
// *the following is important!*
Wrapper *Function3 {return new Wrapper(pNative->Function3());}
// *the following is important!*
Wrapper(NativeClass *pRef) {pNative = pRef;}
NativeClass *pNative;
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