Manage Text File


Bryan Spiers

I have a challenge. Maybe someone can relate and give me some much needed
guidence. I like to use access to handle text files containing data. Almost
all of the time I am dealing with many csv files in a folder and bring them
in to a single table (("MainCpp") and then start the analysis from this data.
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = myFolder
.FileName = "*.csv"
If .foundfiles.Count > 0 Then
For fileLoop = 1 To .foundfiles.Count
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "CPPImportSpec", "MainCPP",
Next fileLoop
End If
This handles the many csv files in a folder and imports them to the MainCPP
table. Here is my quesion/challenge. ....I would love to modify this to
allow a user to manage some of the files that do not need to be imported with
out having the user open an explorer window>sequence the files> delete the
oldest ones not needed.

I picture a form that opens up with a list of all the files (sequenced by
date - I get one each day and I normally want to work on the latest 20 or so
files) On the form could vba tell the form to list the files and with a radio
button allow me to select some of the files for deletion prior to importing
the files using the above code>>??

Albert D. Kallal

You have several approaches.

I would just pull the data into a temp table and launch up a continues form
with a check box column.

So, you build a table with two columns (file name and a yes/no field called

then, you use your code to fill up the table.

dim rstFiles as dao.RecordSet
currentdb.Execute "delete * from tblFiles"

If .foundfiles.Count > 0 Then
For fileLoop = 1 To .foundfiles.Count
rstFiles!FileName = .foundfiles(fileLoop)
rstFiles!InPort = true
next fileLoop


You can then launch a continues form in which the user selects the files

docmd.OpenForm "frmSelectFiles"

The above form would be a "continues" that display the two collums, and the
user could check (or uncheck) which files to import.

You then in code simply process that table of files


dim rstFiles as dao.RecordSet

set rstFiles = currentdb.
OpenRecordSet("select * from tblFiles where inPort = true")

do while rstFiles.EOF = false
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, _
"CPPImportSpec", _
"MainCPP", rstFiles!FileName

The above is "air" code. You could also in place of a continues form use a
listbox and perhaps avoid the use of a temp table. However, the above is a
good workaround for the time being.

James A. Fortune

Bryan said:
I have a challenge. Maybe someone can relate and give me some much needed
guidence. I like to use access to handle text files containing data. Almost
all of the time I am dealing with many csv files in a folder and bring them
in to a single table (("MainCpp") and then start the analysis from this data.
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = myFolder
.FileName = "*.csv"
If .foundfiles.Count > 0 Then
For fileLoop = 1 To .foundfiles.Count
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "CPPImportSpec", "MainCPP",
Next fileLoop
End If
This handles the many csv files in a folder and imports them to the MainCPP
table. Here is my quesion/challenge. ....I would love to modify this to
allow a user to manage some of the files that do not need to be imported with
out having the user open an explorer window>sequence the files> delete the
oldest ones not needed.

I picture a form that opens up with a list of all the files (sequenced by
date - I get one each day and I normally want to work on the latest 20 or so
files) On the form could vba tell the form to list the files and with a radio
button allow me to select some of the files for deletion prior to importing
the files using the above code>>??

The following might give you a head start:

James A. Fortune
(e-mail address removed)

Bryan Spiers

Thanks for the link, I am reviewing the detail and having a tough time, give
me some time to digest how to make this happen. Looks promising for sure.

I do appreciate you taking time to assist. Thank you.

Bryan Spiers


Thank you for reviewing this. I have been looking this over and I think I
see that you have given me something to work with-I am grateful to have your
help. Let me work on this and see if I can meld it into what I am trying to
accomplish. Thank you so much for taking time to reply. I am appreciative.

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