Manage Spyware Scan Schedule - BUG

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andy D.
  • Start date Start date

Andy D.

When you go to Tools>Spyware scan> Manage Spyware Scan
Schedule and try to setup a frequent time of day to run a

In my case i want to try and do it at 12:20 "PM" each day
while i'm on lunch. but when u hit "update schedule" the
PM will revert back to "AM" and no change is made other
than the HR:MM:SS

Anyone else?

Thanks for testing the beta. This is a known issue when the scheduled scan
is between 12:00 and 12:59 PM. A bug is filed on this issue. As a
workaround, choose a time which does not fall in that range.


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


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>This is a known issue when the scheduled scan
>is between 12:00 and 12:59 PM. A bug is filed on this issue. As a
>workaround, choose a time which does not fall in that range.

I have found it won't allow any PM time at all. I work at night so want the scan to run around 19:00PM before I start but when clicking update schedule it reverts to 07:00AM. I've tried 18:00, 20:00 etc but just reverts to the AM equivalent.