Man ships himself over 2,000 miles in wooden crate while playing online game


Jan 31, 2005
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WTF?! :fool:

- Everyone knows LOTRO is a crap game! :wave:

Though Kudos for the name of the place he's being shipped from! :lol:

While summer trips are something many of us look forward to as a relaxing break from our normal routine, performance artist Jordan Wayne Long decided to do things a bit differently. Starting on July 7, Long will be confined to a small wooden box as he is shipped from Bald Knob, Arkansas to Portland, Oregon. The 7-day trip will top 2,100 miles, and all the while, Long's only contact with the outside world will be through Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO), a massively multiplayer online game.

Long's reasons for the unorthodox "performance" are mixed. Aside from providing entertainment through his blogs and Twitter account during the journey, he also aims to better understand post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many individuals who experience traumatic events fall victim to PTSD, a debilitating anxiety disorder that leads some to retreat to virtual worlds for comfort. As Long himself doesn't actually have the disorder, it's somewhat unclear what he hopes to prove with the experiment, other than experiencing what it's like to live in a virtual world for a week.

The crate itself will be powered by battery packs, allowing Long's computer setup to remain operational for the entire journey. As for creature comforts, there aren't many. There are just a handful of ways for Long to bend himself into the box, and as for restroom facilities, he notes simply "It's being outfitted to handle all my business."



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What a plonker:rolleyes:


What does he hope to prove/solve?

Apart, perhaps, from getting some publicity for himself.

PTSD is not a lot of fun and it's actually very confusing, experienced it myself May - August '07 and it was only some months later realised what it was.

Mind you, I didn't get immersed in a MMOG. CoD4 is not one of those is it? :D
That looks like fun... :confused:

Why on earth would someone do that :eek:. I can understand doing things for the sake of pushing boundaries, exploring the unknown, etc... but this is just strange!
What happens if the "package" gets lost in tranist.:eek:
These mail hubs can be a nightmare without the right zip code!:rolleyes: