Man Flu

Jan 14, 2006
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Seems i've gone down with a dreaded dose of Man Flu.:(
Lots of hot drink's, paper tissues & coughing.
And all just before a really busy weekend!
Have a really hot curry, sorts me out every time :) Although bring lots of tissues for your nose, as it unblocks it a treat ;)
Ian Cunningham said:
Have a really hot curry, sorts me out every time :) Although bring lots of tissues for your nose, as it unblocks it a treat ;)

And then sleep with your BUM in the freezer:lol:
itsme said:
And then sleep with your BUM in the freezer
Now that made me :lol:
Dosed up with beechams powders!
Got a meeting to go to tomorrow which i cant get out of.:(
It's a bit anti-social, but garlic also helps to clear the sinuses - although possibly wiser not to indulge until after your meeting ;) Hope you'll feel better soon :wave: