I have a question (maybe a stupid one)
I have too make some variables like
dim matrix5(5,5) as integer
dim matrix6(6,6) as integer
dim matrix10(10,10) as integer
this can be done but I want a shorter way like
dim str as string
dim i as integer
for i = 5 to 10
str = "matrix" & i.tostring
dim str(i,i) as integer
next i
but this gives a error
is it possible to do somthing like this without a error
it is long ago but i think it could be make in dbase3
thanks for any response
I have a question (maybe a stupid one)
I have too make some variables like
dim matrix5(5,5) as integer
dim matrix6(6,6) as integer
dim matrix10(10,10) as integer
this can be done but I want a shorter way like
dim str as string
dim i as integer
for i = 5 to 10
str = "matrix" & i.tostring
dim str(i,i) as integer
next i
but this gives a error
is it possible to do somthing like this without a error
it is long ago but i think it could be make in dbase3
thanks for any response