Ken Snell
Simple generic format:
SerialValue = Nz(DMax("Serial Expression", "TableName"), 0) + 1
SerialValue = Nz(DMax("Serial Expression", "TableName"), 0) + 1
1 said:Mr. Ken Snell [MVP]
Thank you very much for your help and answer:
1- I want to using This Code in Query .
2- I don't know how to make a field in a table in order to store the serial
number to keep it with the records. (not enter seiral manual)
3- I don't want to use Autonumber Field to make serial Because I have an
expression i'm using Autonumber Field
I'm using This in query:
Dcount ("*";"Tablename";"PK>= "&[PK])
This code make a trouble when sorting records (the sort order only by using
Autonumber Field =PK)
I hope you can understand me.