I making an web page that have a dropdown box and that have some
names. also the first item is <New Person>. my need is if i select the
<new person> then the new popup window should come over the page. for
that i made a new pages with a text box and a ok button. this will
come over page and when i enter the new name the that should update
the old page. Here I have no idea to create the popup
can any body help me. I am new for vb.net.
thank you
With love and regards
Amalraj M
I making an web page that have a dropdown box and that have some
names. also the first item is <New Person>. my need is if i select the
<new person> then the new popup window should come over the page. for
that i made a new pages with a text box and a ok button. this will
come over page and when i enter the new name the that should update
the old page. Here I have no idea to create the popup
can any body help me. I am new for vb.net.
thank you
With love and regards
Amalraj M