Karrie said:
i've noticed on some websites that the top banners seem "endless" (meaning
white space on either side), even though the rest of the site might be in
table form.
one example would be sssbeads.com
is this possible with frontpage?
Yes - as others have posted, you can do this by containing the top banner in
a table set to width=100%, and you'll want to set your body margins and
padding to zero.
What they didn't mention is how to fill up that space. A common method is
this: create your banner so that its extreme left and right edges consist of
a design which can be sliced vertically and repeated many times. If you
think about it, some designs will look really bad when sliced and repeated
this way, and some will look good. You'll have to plan the banner to fit
this requirement. Then, take a thin vertical slice - say, 10 pixels wide -
from the left or right edge, and set that slice as the background to the
table, or table cell(s), containing the banner image. Using CSS, you'll need
to specify with your CSS that it repeat horizontally. If you're not using
CSS, it will repeat without you doing anything.