Making it harder than it is?

Apr 8, 2010
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Cell Referencing 101 Not working

I have two spreadsheets in a document. One is called Speaker Schedule and consists of two columns of data: "To Speak" and "Have Spoken." Each week I want to be able to take the the first person out of the "To Speak" column and move them to the end of the "Have Spoken" Column. I want to the other spreadsheet, called Speaker Schedule-Print. To auto-populate the next six people to speak in the "To Speak" column.

This seems like very easy cell referencing, but in practice, when I cut & paste or move a speaker over, it either moves the referencing formula to the new column along with the data or gives me a #REF! error.

This is so simple and it's not working. Can anyone give me a hint as to what I'm doing wrong?
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