Making DVD

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Scott Micale

What profile out of MM2 should I use when wanting to create the best
possible movie for playing on a normal or wide screen TV?

Scott Micale said:
What profile out of MM2 should I use when wanting to create the best
possible movie for playing on a normal or wide screen TV?

DV-AVI is the preferred output from Movie Maker in the low end of the
market. There are many more preferred options at the other end of the market
but Movie Maker would not be the ideal program, obviously

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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If your source is video captured from a camcorder then dv avi is the best
option for output (as well as input). it matches the source closely.

However for other type of source material the choice may be different. For
example for still pictures I get better results if I let MM make 4:3 frame
output (640x480 or 1024x768) and leave the resampling step to dvd size
(720x480) to TMPGenc. YMMV.
Oh dear,

Here we go again REHAN

You have been told many times that your remarks are wrong by me, and you
have been told by Microsoft that your remarks are wrong...when are you going
to shut up or tell people the proper answer?

To clarify for those who do not know...Movie Maker makes a pigs ear out
of resampling...a fact the person REHAN has been told many many times. We
even got him to admit, using his words, that he was talking out of his
ass....a comment I fully support.

There is only ONE profile that Movie Maker outputs too that is suitable
for domestic DVD is DV-AVI. The only input from you (the user)
is the selection of 4:3 or 16:9

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

Although you are adheering to the advice given that you should not answer
critisms leveled at have let your self down by visiting the
website...Do tell why you keep going in for a look at the Forums...several
people will be interested in your answer.

Please also take note, you will be corrected every time you give bad
information just as any other person would be corrected.

John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
When making a small movie I make the movie in movie maker, then save movie.
Next I open Nero and tell it I want to make a VCD then I import the movie
file into Nero and follow instructions. This way I use a CD 700mb and not a
DVD of 4.7gb and I can play these on my DVD player

And, if you have the most recent version of Nero, you can make a Mini DVD
and put it on a CD. Obviously you can not get as much on a CD, but the
quality can be as good as a DVD (that depends a lot on the quality of the
source files)

John Kelly
Truthfully, I am not an Instant Expert, But I know someone who is going to
have to try a LOT harder
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
And John stated exactly what the drawback to that is. A VCD or Mini DVD is a
great alternative if you don't have a large movie or collection of movies
you want to put onto it.
Personally I prefer to save my movies until I can group a bunch of smaller
ones pertaining to the same thing together and burn one cataloged DVD.

For some reason I seem to not have a good chunk of this thread. So I
will leave it with you as you seem to have more of it than me.

John Kelly
Not much to the thread actually since the original poster has not been back
to make any comment I guess we can assume the problem is solved.......maybe.