Making back ups

Feb 16, 2009
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I was hoping thta somebody might be able to answer a couple of Q's about making back ups. My new laptop didnt come with any install discs so i have to make back ups.....So far everytime i have tried it either hangs or aborts. As i type a bck up is allegedly being made....its now 17.45 and i started at 16.50.
I'm no expert but i dont think it should take this long, does anyone have any opinions on this subject ? any help would or comments would be greatly appreciated.
:) Zzzzz
A backup with normal compression of around 70Gb using Acronis True Image 10 takes around 30 minutes for me.

That's the amount of used space so far on a 250Gb disk on my XP/AMD system.

A few questions might help here.

What size is the laptop's Hard Disk?

How many partitions on it? Partition sizes?

Are you backing up to a DVD or a series of DVD's?

What, exactly, is being backed up?

What software are you using to backup?

Do you have all your files and documents stored in a seperate partition to your operating system?

That may give us a clearer picture of what's going on.
Thanks for your reply.
It's 10.13 pm now(started at 4.45pm) and that back up is still running so i guess there's something wrong. Also it on its 5th disc.(Verbatim)
Its a 250GB Hd with a 10Gb partition for backup/recovery.So 2 partitions.
I'm using the machines back up system called recovery back up manager.
I'm copying everything in the bigger drive and i'm a bit afraid to touch the back up drive.
I'm burning with the systems own optiarc writer.
also the machine is 8 wks old give or take a few days and this is the 5th or 6th attempt at a back up.
i have been on to HP(makers) and they are processing?? my issue.
I went back to PC World and they gave me a number to ring for tech service but i havent given up just yet. Also the girl in PCW told me that they might just give me a voucher for the value. I hadnt asked for a refund so this makes me think she has heard this of this one before and maybe there's a faulty batch. I just store files wherever they after saving, usually prog/files.
What dya think?
:) Zzzzz
You could try to use some other free backup software and see if that works any better. The same software that Flops uses is available as a free download under a different name if you have a Maxtor/Seagate drive (which you may do).

Here is the webpage where you can download it from:

It's not ideal, but a possible stop-gap solution :)
Speedy responses

Thanks for your speedy response.

I have just stopped making that back up. It has taken 6 hours and 10 minutes
and it just asked me for disc 6. I have software i could use but the machine should be able to do this task....its practically brand new. i think i'll ring the techy crowd and see what happens.
The software is paragon 2008 so i'll give it a try tomorrow.
Thanks again
:nod: Zzzzz
captain zed said:
Thanks for your speedy response.

I have just stopped making that back up. It has taken 6 hours and 10 minutes
and it just asked me for disc 6. I have software i could use but the machine should be able to do this task....its practically brand new. i think i'll ring the techy crowd and see what happens.
The software is paragon 2008 so i'll give it a try tomorrow.
Thanks again
:nod: Zzzzz

Silly question Zed, but what are the system specs...IE make etc...?
Paragon make good software and from what I can work out it was burning your entire OS to a set of DVD disks.

You probably should have carried on and completed the backup, really, as you've just wasted five DVD's :(

That is not an ideal solution for backup.

I did ask before, but what OS are you using? I'm guessing Vista. If so, providing you have a code number for the Vista install - legal - then you can use any Microsoft Vista disk to do a reinstall should it crash.

Having said that, Vista - for all it's faults - has been the most stable MS OS I've ever used, still running flawlessly after 14 months, possibly a record, lol

I think your best bet - providing you have the OS install code - is to acquire a copy of the Vista CD and then back up all files, folders, documents etc to a USB memory stick or CD/DVD.

What make is the laptop, just out of interest?

And Flops notes to himself: 'Never, ever, ever, buy a laptop without a Windows OS disk', damn rippoff way to trade, imo
floppybootstomp said:
Having said that, Vista - for all it's faults - has been the most stable MS OS I've ever used, still running flawlessly after 14 months, possibly a record, lol

And Flops notes to himself: 'Never, ever, ever, buy a laptop without a Windows OS disk', damn rippoff way to trade, imo

My thoughts the same and I have only just changed over..few slow things, but cool so far..

As for never buy a laptop witout..Well never buy anything witout...You purchase a licence when you purchase a machine..LAw says they should supply you with a copy of disks if you ask...
Thanks for the replies dudes,
Its a HP Pavilion dv-5 1110em.
I have to get the box, hang on.......
AMD TurionX2 Dual Core Mobile Processor RM-72
2.1.Ghz.1MB cache
15.4 Diagonal WXGA Hi-Def Brightview Widescreen Display
3072 Mb DDR2 SDRAM(2 Dimm.)
802.11b/g WLAN
Blu-Ray ROM with SuperMulti DVD+- R/RW Double Layer
Hi-Capacity 6Cell lithium ion battery
HP Quick play
HP Mobile Remote Control
5 in 1 Digital Media Reader
Expresscard/54 PC Card slot
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450 Graphics with 256MB DDR2 dedicated graphics memory
Windows Vista Home premium (32bit) with SP1
HP Webcam
Expansion port 3
Lads i'm gonna save that cos i aint going thru that again.
Well now i'd like the verdict from you fine people at PCR. Would you's believe i have been logged on all day,and most of it on PCR.
My router had to be reset from all the hours use.
Any way lads i'd really value your opinions cos i really do believe ya's know the cream from the crap.
Thanks for your help earlier.
Forgot this

Windows home premium is a 60 day trial....then you can buy the full laddie.
i bought Vista home and office premium and norton as part of a bundle.
I spent 890 euro that day and its givin me lacko already.
Plus no install discs.
Its getting late very early so i need to get some caffeine into me.
Ciao for now
:wave: Zzzzz
The idea when buying a new laptop is to do the backup to DVD's almost straight away, had you done this it would have taken no more than around 3 DVD discs and no more than about an hour and a half in time spent backing up..

Because you done it about 8 weeks later or more you have installed probably loads of software and applications onto the hard drive which in turn has now become part of the backup, meaning its now taking double the amount of DVD discs and tripple the time to back it all up..

Therein lies your rub..

Next time let the backup finish as now you just have 5 dvd coasters for puting your cup od tea on..Not good..:nod:

Excuse the spelling mistakes if there are any as San miguel does strange things to my hand eye coordination..;)
SSSan miguel eees good yes

I have tried 5 or 6 times since i bought it....i didnt just wait till now....its been an ongoing thing.The other 5 times the system collected the files and started to write them to disc( It said i would need 2 discs which was fair enough i thought)Anyhooo As the progress bar from the disc write reached the end it went into system abort and gave a windows viewer debug error C++.
It gave me the option to close or retry so i retried and retried and retried yadda yadda. Now im getting really fed up.....i could be reading PCR reviews and suchlike instead of trying to fix errors all the time.
I see your a Halo fan??
:D Zzzzz
captain zed said:
Windows home premium is a 60 day trial....then you can buy the full laddie.
i bought Vista home and office premium and norton as part of a bundle.
I spent 890 euro that day and its givin me lacko already.
Plus no install discs.
Its getting late very early so i need to get some caffeine into me.
Ciao for now
:wave: Zzzzz

OK this is the bit that is getting me...What ya mean it was shipeed with Vista Home 60 Day Trial...Sory nate but I jusst cannot believe this..Porkies are what spring to mind..
Not the porkies type

I sh** you not my man!! How can i prove it to you ? Lemme see my desktop....hope this fits...i cant fit it into the box


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Cant paste

I cant fit it all on into 1 reply box so i'll try it in pieces


Do you have any tips for fitting a large copy and paste into the reply box cos its just a mess on the whole PCR pastes in and out of the box.
captain zed said:
I sh** you not my man!! How can i prove it to you ? Lemme see my desktop....hope this fits...i cant fit it into the box


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  • Access free online training and assistance

lol I don't mean you Zed..Appologies..Sorry I was under the impression you were on about Vista been the trial..Not MS OFFICE..
Hey man,
Apologies on this end too. i could have been a bit clearer.Yes its the software thats on trial not the OS.Still though, they dont tell you in the shop until you've decided to take it. Also i checked to see how much disc space i have taken up and i've only used 70Gb so far. I still think 6hours and 15 minutes is too long to make a back up,even though i shudda let it finish. i must check the other 5 discs it copied to,to see whats on them.Are they all total waste??