making animations reset or rewind AFTER leaving a page

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
  • Start date Start date


In this interactive ppt show I am building, when the user goes to a certain
page, the page appears, then a textbox animates on. The SECOND time the
user goes to that same page, the textbox is already there. I want the
animation to rewind after the user leaves the page, and be ready to do it
again when the page is revisited. I tried setting the animation to "rewind
after playing" but that resets it immediately after the animation is done,
while still looking at the page.

Thanks as usual,
Please note that in the situation below, the user will only use the mouse to
move around the ppt show, in any direction throughout the show. I see that
when I use the keyboard to go back and forth, the textbox effect occurs
every time. The user will not be able to use the keyboard as each frame
must be accessed as dictated by programming, and not sequentially.
You have to link back to the slide *before* the slide you really want,
Steve, because when PPT backs up to a slide, it comes in at the end
stage of the slide.

So, put in a "dummy" slide before the real slide and give it a 00-second
automatic transition. Then link to the dummy.