Making a sound clip in Windows Media - .wav?

  • Thread starter Thread starter scot
  • Start date Start date


Can anyone advise me how to edit and clip a sound file (probably
about 20 - 30 seconds) from a recording, for use on a website?
I've tried WrodPad but can't seem to open it afterwards.

I thought there might be something in Windows Media Player but I
can't seem to find anything there. How do people make these
things so that anyone online can hear it regardless of whether
they have paid for WavePad or any other program? I have seen
audio clips all over the web but have never tried to make one
before. Any advice would be appreciated. It's probably more
straightforward than it seems.

Thanks Rick. That looks just the job. The only thing is - I
wanted to encode MP3 files and was told by audacity to get the
decoder. When I downloaded it, my computer says that it's a .dll
file - a system file - and perhaps it's not a good idea to intall
it. What are the likely problems if this .dll file is installed?

Thanks again.