CR said:
Can I make a whole line go red, if one column gets a higner number
then 26. That one column add´s up 3 others and when it hits 27, I
want it to make the whole line red.
Is that possible?
Hi CR,
You can use Conditional Formatting.
First of all, select the line to format, then from menu Format, Conditional
Formatting select "Formula is" under Condtion 1, then type in the text box a
function like this:
and then click on Format and chose your format.
In the above formula I assume that the cell in which you are summing is A4.
Be aware of the "$": if your line to be red is a row, then the right formula
is that above; if, instead, the line to be red is a column, you should use:
(I'm not sure of names of menus, options and commands, because
translating from the Italian version of Excel...)
Hope I helped you.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Franz Verga from Italy